Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Spiritual Journey to a Purpose Driven Life Full of Self Love, Courage and Hope

  • Wake up rested
  • Spend time in the word
  • Memorize a verse in the shower
  • Dance
  • Look at yourself naked in the mirror. Accept your body. Understand the media's lies. Let the beauty from within radiate outward.
  • Get your favorite bottle of lotion. Start at your toes and thank The Lord for every inch of your being. Your feet for allowing you to stand. Your legs and the ability to walk. Your hands and the lives the touch, the things they create.
  • I am not yet there on this one myself, but treat your body with respect. Quit smoking, Steph! Start exercising... Eat healthy. Rest more. All the things we say we will do on a regular basis yet rarely follow through on. How much time wasted on bad habits!
  • Embrace your true self. Let go of the shame. Don't be afraid to dig deep. You are free! You can stop hiding. Kick the coping mechanisms to the curb. Addiction is numbing. "Let it go!" You along with God and "The Christ through whom all things we can do" will have the strength to stand.
  • Eliminate stress. 
  • Do something you love for work! 
  • Be honest with the real you. Surround yourself with positive people who won't judge you as you follow your passion.
  • Laugh.
  • We've all made bad decisions. We are not bad people. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with dignity.
  • Sing! At the top of your lungs.
  • Smile.
  • Eat what makes your body feel good.
  • Breathe.
  • Enjoy the small things!
  • Create something.
  • Do something you're good at.
  • Truly forgive yourself for your mistakes and decisions from your past.
  • Go out of your way for another human being.
  • See yourself through your dogs eyes. You are awesome!
  • Find your happy place. Go there for retreat.
  • Work toward financial freedom.
  • Allow yourself to take a nap.
  • Avoid escaping. Don't be afraid to look inward. Dig deep.
  • Be spontaneous! Allow yourself to feel the joy of a 5 year old at Disney Land. Don't be afraid to ride the wave and also allow yourself to feel the moments of profound sadness.
  • Embrace your faith. Hold on to hope.
  • Live the life you want... The one that truly makes you happy, not the one that society dictates.

"Do not conform any longer to the of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." -Romans 12:2

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Health Care Reform through Biblical principles

Slowly but surely, word about a once small company, Zurvita, and the Zeal for Life Challenge is sweeping the nation.  Peter M. Nielsen, known for his battle with Crohn's Disease and previous partnership with Visalus has made the switch to the Zeal for Life 90 day Challenge.  Read more here.

Zeal for Life products were developed in order to help target the seven major health challenges Americans are faced with. Learn more here.

Thank you Mark and Tracy Jarvis for following the Lord's calling in your lives and providing wellness options to my community in Tucson and all across the nation.

Perhaps this is the Health Care Reform we've all been waiting for.

I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security ~Jerimiah 33:6

Monday, July 23, 2012


Over the course of the last week I started putting my faith in people and to my surprise, I hit rock bottom.  I found myself waiting for people to "make good on their word"  and in doing so, forgot to take care of myself.   I finally realized that when my faith is in people and not in my Savior, it's a recipe for disaster.

So, about a week ago, I finally threw my hands up in frustration and said "I quit!!".  I quit everything.  I was so down and discouraged that people weren't coming through for me, I forgot to seek counsel from my Best Friend.  I was so stuck in my own issues and problems, that I wasn't taking time to stay in relationship with the Lord.

2 wise people in my life kept saying "give it to God".  "I am!!", I would shout back, "But all these people told me they'd follow through and they're not!" 

Until 3 days ago, I didn't realize that I was the root of the problem.  How could God truly work in my heart and life if I was sitting idly-by waiting for people to come through for me?  The simple truth is, He couldn't.  I had let my mind get so clouded, my situation so overwhelming, that I thought I was trusting God by forcing people to do things my way.  (Silly, I know)  :-)

Well, reality check, even if I think that I know best, God is the only One who can convict a person's heart.  I am an instrument to speak truth, but who am I to get frustrated when they don't think like me or act like me or even respond the way I want?

It has been amazing to see the transformation in my own mental clarity just by entering back into the grace of my Savior.  He as given me His divine assurance that everything will come together in His timing, not mine.  I can only Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever ~Psalm 136:1.

It is scary to look back over the last week and see how quickly the enemy gained a stronghold in my life.  I allowed myself to be dragged down into the "pit of despair" and honestly didn't have the slightest clue what was going on.  In reading Psalms the other day, I came across chapter 118 verse 8 and have applied this to my life; It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.

The minute I committed to doing things His way instead of my own, things began falling into place.

In writing this, I'm praying that it will serve as a permanent reminder to myself and my readers to always stay in the center of GOD'S WILL.

God always promises to go above and beyond on our behalf (if we let Him).  The war we are fighting is not against flesh and blood.  In hard times, the Lord promises to pick us up.  He will never leave us to "fend for ourselves" unless we choose that destiny ourselves.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! ~ Ephesians 3:20

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The American Dream

It is astounding to me that when tragedy strikes on American soil, we as a united people shout "Why God why? God help us! Where was God when this happened?"  It has been unsettling to me as a follower of Christ and child of our wonderful God to listen to the blame cast upon our Savior for not delivering us from calamity.  When will WE, as a united people step up and make a change?

Initially, The American Dream was to build a nation founded on Biblical principals with God at the center of freedom.  Our Founding Fathers, men of faith, clearly stated this in the Declaration of Independence:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
In plain terms, The United States of America was formed as a symbol of peace, prosperity and freedom so long as we kept God at the center of our dealings.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
America was created to be a place in which we were free to worship our wonderful Creator.  A nation that would welcome men, women and children seeking to escape tyranny, persecution and terror.

That said, when tragedy strikes, as a people, we wonder "Where is God? Why didn't God do something?"  We blame God for letting this happen, but we as a people have banned God from the public sector.

Only 5 short years after establishing the Declaration of Independence, the people demanded a clause be put in, also known as the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Instead of our country focusing on one God, THE God, we allowed for religion to overtake our newly formed nation. We opened the door, wide, for idolatry, paganism, atheism and a wealth of other religion into our "free country".

We have slowly begun removing God from the public sector and society. Some, but not all, Freedom of Religion Laws passed through Congress based on The First Amendment are outlined below:

1962: prayer was removed from public schools
1963: Bible readings were banned from public schools
1980: the 10 commandments were removed from public areas
1992: members of the clergy were banned from speaking at public high school graduations
2000: starting football games with prayer was banned
The pledge of allegiance is now optional

In the place of God, our society has been infiltrated by many false gods. Some of these gods may consist of, but are not limited to:
  • Food
  • Substances (drugs, alcohol, nicotine)
  • Mental illnesses (bipolar disease, schizophrenia)
  • Pornography
  • Money
Dream with me for a moment... What if our country went back to its roots? Imagine a nation governed by the 10 commandments, not the 10 amendments.

  1. No other gods before me-- but we have freedom of religion (allowing false gods)
  2. No idols-- porn, sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, money, etc run rampant today
  3. Don't take the name of the Lord in vain-- OMG! (we forget who HE is)
  4. Remember the Sabbath (take a day to rest)-- yeah right "there's too much to do!"
  5. Honor your mother and father-- but they are so "old school"; they don't know how things are today
  6. Do not kill-- But wait, we have the right to bear arms. hmmm....
  7. Don't commit adultery-- Media says it's okay though; actors/actresses in the movies are having sex outside of marriage
  8. Do not steal-- but I'll never be able to afford that, and I deserve it!
  9. Be honest-- oh, but that won't get me anywhere in life. I have to look out for number #1
  10. Don't covet- but what I have isn't good enough. I want bigger, better, faster, shinier...
It is almost comical when something catastrophic like Columbine, 9/11 or the Aurora Shooting happens and we ask "where is God?"  Well, people, He is right here waiting.  Waiting for us to turn back to Him.  He promised many years ago to never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)  But have we done the same in return?

The time is now.  Before it's too late, we need to come together and repent of our wrongs.  "God, deliver us!"  We should be welcoming Him back into society, not shutting Him out more.  Our country is in a serious healing crisis; an epidemic of evil, if you will.  It is my hope and prayer that we will become more proactive instead of reactive.

We are flawed in thinking that we don't have any power over what's happening in society.  So often, we operate out of fear.  God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. ~2 Timothy 1:7  So, let's go make a change! To quote Nicole C. Mullen, "Can I get a witness?!"

"Hope. It is more powerful than fear." ~ President Snow of the Hunger Games
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." ~ Anthony Robbins

A revival is awakening! Let's not be left out.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Practice what you preach

I will be the first to admit that I do not know it all and I'm glad God is gentle when He points this out.  Yesterday, I wrote about the necessity of eating healthy on a daily basis; so what happened today is just a reminder to stay humble and continue giving all the credit to my Jesus.

So... Here's my lesson in humility:

I woke up with an article about the toxicity of artificial sweeteners displayed on my phone this morning (only God truly knows why that was there).  So, I HAD to share truth with my readers right away!!  My husband, the sweet man he is, brought me a cup of coffee, which I proceeded to sweeten with So Delicious Dairy Free Vanilla Coconut Milk and Stevia sweetener.

While drinking my coffee, I had several questions about Zeal Wellness and requests to order Zeal for Life come through my email and via phone.  So, wanting to help people and share truth in order for people to be free of the mind/body block I discussed yesterday, I forgot to take care of ME!!

I'm sitting there on my back porch wiggling around, anxious, wondering why I'm feeling "off".

"Oh, I'm hot, I'll go jump in the pool." -Good idea, but it was only temporarily satisfying.

"I don't want to go anywhere!! All I want to do is stay home.  I don't want to go test beds. (sorry hunnie for snapping) I just don't feel right." -Body is screaming at me and I'm too stuck in my own crap (excuse the pun) to see what to do!

"Hmmm... I'm hungry.  That must be it.  But... my husband is supposed to be home so we can go grocery shopping together.  If I leave the house, I'm only doing it once.  I'm pissed." -My mind is getting in the way of my true needs.

"Okay, forget it! I'm not waiting any longer.  I need to go deposit my check at the bank.  I'm starving and we've eaten all our healthy stuff.  The farmers market is closed, plus it's raining! I'm going to Taco Bell; because I'm hungry and I NEED to take care of this problem NOW." - Mind justifying wrong behavior.

To learn more about way of being states, please look to Arbinger
I will admit I felt slightly guilty at the thought of going to Taco Bell because of my previous post about eating healthy, but I thought... "I'll test the sources.  Is Taco Bell bad for my body?"  I'm still in my justification "I deserve" mentality up to this point. My way of being is not right toward myself or others.

I'm thinking that people aren't understanding me. I need to further prove myself.

So, I find myself driving to Taco Bell and I'm feeling great! "I want a Nacho Supreme and a Ranchero Chicken soft taco! Yep, I'm going to get mine."  But I kept feeling this sense; a question in my mind. "What are you doing Stephanie?  You already know that fast food doesn't work with your body!"

Big fat: IGNORE!!

I pull up to the drive-thru and the menu is incredible!  "Whoa, they have ALL this?!? I've been so blind.  I'll think I'll choose the 7 layer healthy burrito! Ya, that sounds awesome." Sound familiar? Read the story of Jesus being tempted. :-)

So, I order something that my body feels okay with.  Why?  Because I CAN!! Still, I'm in that "I deserve box".  "I deserve fast food because my body is choosing something healthy on the menu."
Just as soon as I thought that, a new thought entered my head "I came here for a Nacho Supreme and a Chicken Soft Taco, so that's what I'm going to get!!  But wait, I'm not sure if I trust the chicken here.  I guess I'll do a Mexican Pizza instead."

Cool, done. Changed order.  All the while, I'm wondering to myself "where is my mental clarity, why can't I make decisions, I feel crazy!!"

It was only after I paid and pulled away from the window that I realized the most important thing I'm going to say to you right now, so I hope you're listening: I did not honor my sense to do what was right. I went out into the world unprotected.  I had forgotten to drink my Zeal for Life to get the nutrients that my body needed to get me through the day; which is why I was tempted toward unhealthy food choices.  I had also chosen to not read my Bible or eat anything healthy because "people needed me".  But, by then, it was too late.  I had allowed for the mind/body block in my own state of anxiety and didn't set aside time for ME from the minute I woke up.

I drove home with a sense of determination.  I got my confidence back because I allowed myself to admit that I was wrong.  I had to tell you all that I still slip up!  I don't know it all yet.  I'm still learning.

That said, I'm fortunate to have resources and strength (not my own, but of the Holy Spirit) to draw from because this is hard to admit, but shouldn't be.

I pulled up my Bible Promises App on my iPhone and read my daily promise, which is:
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
Proverbs 18:10
I realized in that instant that I can't be ashamed to share with the world that I still struggle.  I have to step out of that "I deserve box" on a moment-by-moment basis in order to stay humble.

There are so many free resources to people out there who are searching, so I hope in sharing my testimony, that you are challenged to seek truth on your own.  Don't just take my word for it. :-)

On a side note, I'm happy to report that I tried to eat my "unhealthy" Taco Bell choice (instead of going with the vegetarian burrito) while writing this blog entry and I was not satisfied.  I attempted to push aside the beef because it tasted strange to me and just eat the beans, cheese, sour cream and chips, but it made my stomach hurt.  So, I threw it in the garbage and let my food for thought be enough.

Now my husband is home and we can jump back into offering ourselves to God to build with us and do with us as HE so chooses! -Our morning prayer found on page 63 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Looking forward to trying out Tempurpedic Mattresses; highly recommended, for re-balancing neurology, by my amazing Chiropractor husband who reminds me again on a daily basis that there is something to be learned from everyone, no matter their walk of life.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Eating Healthy in a toxic world

Since beginning my journey with Zeal,  I have been craving healthy foods with a vengeance.  I have always been very frugal and worried about "going healthy" because I thought it would cost too much.
Over the last 4 weeks, I've been happy to find that the cost of being healthy is not very high here in Tucson.  We have Sunflower Markets (name soon being changed to Sprouts), Whole Foods, many holistic food stores and my personal favorite: Farmer's markets.

Eating Healthy provides a direct link to local grown foods across the US

It seems as though we, as a society, have taken for granted the simplicity in healthy food choices.  We are bombarded on a daily basis with Fast Food signs, packaged foods, etc. and as a culture, we have accepted the "easier method" of eating.
How many times have you thought to yourself, "I shouldn't have eaten that."?  Your body knows what it wants and needs.  Over time though, we have adapted to what I will call a "lazy mindset" and our bodies are struggling to keep up.
It's a vicious cycle!
  1. "I probably shouldn't eat that"- body telling you "no"
  2. "Oh, what the heck, I deserve it" - mind telling you it's okay
  3. "I don't feel very well"- body saying I told you so
  4. "But I only had ONE donut instead of the 3 I was going to have"- mind justifying behavior
  5. "Why am I gaining weight? I'm doing so well at cutting down on my cravings. I'm working out at the gym every day!" - mind/body block

As a people, we've adapted our minds to thinking we can ignore our bodies, but this is a trap.  Our bodies, from the beginning of time, have known what's good for them.  It is our mind that play tricks on us.  The following popular slogans and societal norms/statements come to mind:
  • Just do it
  • Have it your way
  • Binge and purge
  • Eat what you want, now; exercise harder, later
  • There's always tomorrow
  • Eat less; do more
  • Take a pill and you'll feel better
  • Eat a high protein diet and you'll be fine

I hope you can spot the lies.  As with everything, there is truth in the eye of the beholder.  Fast food chains are saying "Come here!! We will give you whatever you want."  Mentally, this is appealing, but more often than not, our bodies subconsciously warn us against it.
Through various channels, we are warned:
  • Bloating
  • Weight gain
  • Weight loss
  • Disease
  • Pimples
  • Oily skin
  • Hair loss
  • and many more...

These warnings are simply our bodies adapting to change.  Through environmental stressors (what we are exposed to and put ON our body): we adapt and get signs like anxiety, pimples, ulcers, cancer.  Through internal stressors (diet); our bodies give in and say "okay, you win." But the signs are there; listed above as various channels. 
We (our physical bodies) eventually adapt to the toxins and our minds think "oh, cool, I can eat this and not get sick."  "I've built up my tolerance." That is flawed thinking though.  Are you really healthy? 
I challenge you to apply this to your own life.  Are there areas in which you're trying to improve?
Areas for improvement in your current situation that you might identify with but are not limited to:
  • Dieting
  • Weight loss pills
  • Lyposuction
  • Getting a gym membership
  • Hiring a personal trainer
  • Shopping in the "healthy section" at grocery stores
  • Starting protein shakes
  • Feeling stuck in a job where you "don't have time" to eat healthy

If you are identifying with any of these things, you are on the right track; but these can be dangerous methods.  I would encourage you to check out the following local sources and find a solution that works for you!  And remember, your health is 90% diet, 10% fitness; 200% drive and motivation. :-)
Zeal for Life Challenge direct link to our local, Tucson team dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals
Mom's Aware direct link to an Organization dedicated to providing you with tips on how to live healthy in a toxic world
Eating Well provides a link on where to find local restaurants, markets and more

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mental Clarity

Through my journey with Zeal, I have noticed tremendous changes in every aspect of my life.

Mental clarity is not one I expected, but I'm realizing it is by far the greatest benefit to my personal growth on the road to health and wellness!

I have struggled, for many years, with health issues that could not be diagnosed to anything specific.  When I refer to health issues, I mean:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • IBS
  • Bloating
  • Constipation 
  • Nausea
  • Restless legs
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Night sweats
  • Achy joints
  • Sore muscles
  • Chronic back pain
Finally, about 3 years ago, my doctor diagnosed me with a Generalized Anxiety Disorder and put me on Celexa.  Little did I know, this anti-depressant would only cover up the problems instead of help me get better.  Until 2 months ago, I took my "happy pill" every night at the same time, in the same spot, with the same glass of water, consistently, for fear that I'd turn into a crazy, sick person again.

I was doing much better!  My anxiety was gone, I didn't feel nauseous, I was sleeping better at night.  In my own state of oblivion and trust for Western Medicine, I was convinced that I was cured; until having been on Zeal for 22 days.

On day 21 with Zeal, my body felt toxic.  I could not understand what was going on.  I was VERY sick.  My first thought was food poisoning, but I remembered what the purpose of Zeal is: Cleanse, Restore, Protect.  My body was in the cleansing portion of the process!

My favorite quote is "just because you're not sick, doesn't mean you're healthy" because it is so true!  My body, over time had adapted to "environmental poison", as I like to call it.

Environmental poison consists of anything UNNATURAL:
  • Processed foods
  • Pollution
  • Toxins
  • Prescription drugs
  • Chemicals
So, when my body began to adapt to the natural ingredients in Zeal, combined with my intense craving for organic fruits and vegetables, it went into a state of toxic shock.  It had no clue what to do with all the toxins I'd been giving it my entire life.

I happened to experience this while on a trip as a newlywed with my husband, so I was not a happy camper!  "Why now?!" "Really?" "In bed, sick, for the entire vacation?"  "If I'm eating healthy and taking care of my body, then why do I feel like this?"  This awful feeling lasted for about 36 hours.

At 10pm, on the dot, I took my "happy pill" and my mental state began to spiral out of control.  All of my health issues, listed above, came back with a vengeance.  It took me about an hour of freaking out, crying on my husband's shoulder and praying, until it hit me: My body is detoxing.  It's so used to being sick that it doesn't know how to be healthy!  In that moment, I swore off Celexa. (*see caveat at the bottom of page)  I realized that my body had reached a state of rejection to unnatural elements.

That night, I drank a ton of water, half a glass of prune juice and let my body do it's thing!

It's amazing to see the world through different, clear eyes.  My mind feels free again.
On a daily basis, I now experience the following:
  • Ability to deal with stressful situations
  • Vibrant colors I've never before seen
  • Attention to details that went unnoticed
  • Maximum efficiency
  • Lasting energy (I used to get tired and fatigued because I couldn't deal with situations)
  • Less sleep (instead of 12, I can actually run on 8!) :-)
  • Improved vernacular
  • Creative and artistic expression
  • Capability of helping others (before, it was all about me; now, I can pay it forward!) 
There are many other examples that I will share in future entries, but this article is long enough! :-)

Get your Zeal for Life
Learn more about the Zeal for Life Challenge